Our Newest Member

Our Newest Member

BY hein / May 19, 2021

Today we announce our newest member of Kroket Lego. Kalle has joined our upcoming Rocket League tournament to replace mork.

Mork has been benched because of a private conflict within the team. Because Kroket Lego now needs a replacement, hein and krokanjer decided to organize a contest to decide who will be our newest player. Our contestants had to play in a tournament against every other player who wanted to join. There could only be one winner!

But what we never could've predicted was that two contestants would be so close to each other in skill. Kalle and Stefan both finished in first place, which had never happened before in Rocket League history! Because of this we decided to play with Kalle in the first qualifier and play with Stefan in the second.

To get to know Kalle more, we've arranged an interview with one of the two brand new Kroket Lego players.

First off, how do you feel?

“So relieved, so happy that Kroket Lego sees this potential in me and I'm not going to disappoint the organization and all the fans.”

What did you have for breakfast?

Grilled cheese with salami.”

That's all the news for today, we hope to see you at our stream on July the third, to watch our new member perform.

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