Kroket Lego Almost Bankrupt After Accidental Bulk Purchase of Croky Pickles Crisps

Kroket Lego Almost Bankrupt After Accidental Bulk Purchase of Croky Pickles Crisps

BY Rutser / January 3, 2022

The weekly team meeting at Kroket Lego went horribly wrong when we accidentally ordered too much Croky pickles crisps. We normally take our finances really, really serious, but this time we made a mistake. Around 79 percent of our budget was taken away by the beautiful taste of the fried potato and pickle combination. We are now in the process of discussing what to do with 25 kg of Croky pickles crisps.

The team is now looking into ways to get rid of the crisps. “We don't have enough room for the crisps” says hein from Kroket Lego. Another member of Kroket Lego, Rutser, doesnt seem to mind the mistake that was made. He has made an announcement that pickles is his favourite flavour of Croky crisps. Rutser further added: “Pickles is my favourite flavour of Croky crisps”.

Rumours have started that the bulk purchase maybe wasn't an accident? The newest Kroket Lego member seems to have motive to buy such an enormous amount of Croky pickles crisps, as it is his favourite flavour. “Pickles is my favourite flavour of Croky crisps”, Rutser on Croky pickles crisps.

The CFO, Gerard Eld, is looking into ways to remedy the situation. “We are financially ruined” and “We will never financially recover from this”. Contact with the local food bank has been made, but due to failed negotiations a transfer of Croky pickles crisps is unlikely. Community manager and spokesperson of Kroket Lego, Janick Mooiweer, has said that Kroket Lego is looking to implement measures to prevent incidents like this in the future. “We are looking to implement measures to prevent incidents like this in the future” as Mooiweer said.

If you would like to support your favourite Esports organisation in these troubled times, feel free to donate using this link. All help is appreciated.

Something went wrong
